
Use peace building mechanism to resolve west Africa conflict // Amb. Abdel Fatau Musah, phd. Amb. Abdel Fatau

Use peace building mechanism to resolve west Africa conflict // Amb. Abdel Fatau Musah, phd. Amb. Abdel Fatau

Use peace building mechanism to resolve west Africa conflict // Amb. Abdel Fatau Musah, phd.

Amb. Abdel Fatau Musah, phd. Commissioner political affairs, peace and security, has ap­pealed to the west Africa leaders to use all conflict resolution and peace building mechanisms at its disposal to restore normalcy to west Africa.

The group also urged the mili­tary contingent on peace mission in the conflict zone to be tactful and humane in handling the vola­tile situation.

According to Amb. Abdel Fatau Musah, phd. Commissioner political affairs, peace and security, asked all the combatants to “silence the guns and allow a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the west Africa.”

It further tasked the leadership and people in the west Africa area to co-operate with the military and other security agencies as efforts were being made to bring a per­manent solution to the unpleasant situation, adding that the media must also be reconciliatory in their reportage and analysis of the conflict.

“Amb. Abdel Fatau Musah, phd. Commissioner political affairs, peace and security said, is saddened by the avoidable loss of lives and prop­erties following the resurgence of the politician in west Africa region in like Ghana, Bokina Faso, Nigeria, Mali, and many more in the west Africa Region.

We are worried that the renewed clashes show no sign of control. More worrying is that the feuding factions in west Africa share the commonalities of African Ancestry, civilized humanity and Christianities loyalty.

They are, in fact, cousins, and most of them are Muslims, christians who by the common faith of islam should not have in any circum­stance, raised up arms against one another,” the statement added.

From the perspectives of Sociology and Anthropology, the statement said, it was understand­able for cousins to encounter a fraternal feud, however when the feud degenerates into a violent conflict of “unspeakable” de­struction, it becomes a matter of national concern.

He further called on political leaders in the west Africa area to value the sanctity of human life, and never to exploit human suffering for partisan gains as electoral for­tunes in a state of insecurity and instability were misfortunes that are counter- productive to demo­cratic order and good governance.

“We believe that restoration of peace to west Africa is a collective responsibility of Ghanaians. We therefore urge the citizenry to use this conflict as an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to the values of peace instead of violence, unity instead of division, forgiveness instead of vindictive­nesss and reconciliation instead of aggression,” the statement added.

The story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun106.com

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