
UG: Martin Boakye Gyasi takes over as 65th SRC President

UG: Martin Boakye Gyasi takes over as 65th SRC President

UG: Martin Boakye Gyasi takes over as 65th SRC President
Martin Boakye Gyasi, Abraham Lincoln, Emmanuella Boakye Yiadom, and Michael Kuti have been successfully sworn in as President, Vice President, General Secretary, and Treasurer respectively.

These four are the new executives of the student representative council and are expected to run the affairs of the student body in the next academic year.

The Chief Justice of the UGSRC, Kwabena Amankwah Addae-Marfo, swore the new executives in at a short ceremony that took place yesterday; November 30, 2022, at the Old Council Chamber at the University of Ghana.

It was chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor in charge of Academic and Students Affairs, Prof. Gordon Awandare.

Delivering his speech as the new President, Martin Boakye, expressed gratitude to his teaming supporters and promised to deliver on his mandate.

I stand on behalf of my team to say a big thank you to the Almighty God, and everyone who supported me and those who didn’t support me as well to be at the student front of our prestigious premier university.
I’m not president for 65th.

I’m president for all. Everyone’s concern matter, that is student of main campus , city campus, distance education in addition Korle bu student as well.

We will do our very possible best, to make sure student who have challenges with information dissemination and academic challenges in terms of registration will see problems solved as and when.

Together, we believe we can achieve a lot, we can achieve when we unite as a university, as a Council to move forward.
We will do all we can and facilitate all process that will help will help our student front.

He has also said together with the team, they will review some parts of the UGSRC constitution to check issues regarding elections.

Our electoral process exposed the gaps in our constitution and for that matter, one of the first act we will facilitate is the constitutional review process, to make sure that the next electoral process may not come with the challenges this one came with.

Martin Boakye Gyasi has also promised to continue the projects of the erstwhile administration.

We will pursue project that will seek to solve problems that have been worrying students over the long run. We will look to the continuation of the src hostel projects, as today we saw it in the inauguration.

We will look to see how best, we find fund to cushion to help student in difficult economic times and upgrade the src “ye bi boa” project.

The Outgoing President, Prince Asumadu congratulated the new executives and asked the students populace to rally behind them to fulfill the plans they have for the University of Ghana
This work is a work of service and dedication. If you’re somebody who really have the interest of student at heart, you can’t even sleep. You know, there’s a whole lot of issues.

I’ll tell the student populace that everybody must rally behind them, because at the end of the day, they are there to secure your welfare and your interest and they are also not super humans.

So, it won’t be smooth, because if I tell you that everything is going to be smooth from the start to the end then I’m lying to you but one thing that you have to know is with God all is possible. Congratulation and all the best.

The official handing-over dinner and awards night is expected to take place on December 10, 2022, at the forecourt of the Great hall.

Story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun 106.com

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