
The cashew pruning and thinning initiative will improve cashew yield – Hon Solomon Owusu

The cashew pruning and thinning initiative will improve cashew yield – Hon Solomon Owusu

Honourable Solomon Owusu, the Jaman North District Chief Executive of the Bono region has recently introduced pruning and thinning agriculture practices for cashew farmers within the district to facilitate their farming activities in ensuring that remarkable spaces are created between cashew plants for effective production.

The DCE speaking in an exclusive interview with Odiakopa Afram Denkyerahene on Yankee in the Morning monitored by Kwaku Mensah Abrampa revealed that the pruning and thinning project was not just introduced in the district but was based on research and analysis of cashew yields in the past years that keeps dwindling as a result of unawareness on the proper methods for cashew production in the district. He indicated that per the research with ADRA Ghana, the application of good agricultural practice in a 1-acre cashew farm will produce 20bags of cashew or more denoting that cashew farmer in the Jaman North district produce 1 to 3 bags of cashew on the same 1-acre due to poor cashew farming practices which are affecting effective cashew production hence impacting negatively on the district’s IGF during the cashew season.

He said the cashew pruning and thinning initiative was introduced to help farmers maintain impressive distance between cashew plants on their farms. He also advised farmers to ensure that the needed planting distance between cashew seedlings is maintained for maximum cashew yields.

Story By; Kwaku Mensah Abrampa

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