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Strategic Moves Unveiled: John Mahama’s Path to the 2024 Elections, According to NDC Insiders

Strategic Moves Unveiled: John Mahama’s Path to the 2024 Elections, According to NDC Insiders

Strategic Moves Unveiled: John Mahama’s Path to the 2024 Elections, According to NDC Insiders

Emerging from the latest National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), a tableau of astute political maneuvers showcases John Mahama’s calculated approach to navigate the landscape of the upcoming 2024 elections, as insiders within the party report.

Vivid indications stemming from the Thursday session corroborate the elevation of former Communications Minister, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah, as the spearhead of the merged Elections and IT Directorate—a position infused with strategic significance. Boamah, a steadfast Mahama loyalist, underscores Mahama’s intention to wield influence over the election management and surveillance process.

Dr. Omane Boamah’s multifaceted capacities extend beyond his prior role in Communications and his deep-rooted knowledge of IT solutions.

His pivotal role as Deputy Campaign Coordinator during the triumphant 2012 parliamentary and presidential elections and his instrumental contribution to the 2008 election underscore his significance. His stewardship safeguards John Mahama’s vested interests in the upcoming campaign.

Undoubtedly, the most unequivocal testament to Mahama’s resolute readiness for the 2025 elections lies in the robust appointments jointly selected by Mahama, the National Chairman, and the General Secretary for the Elections and Research Directorates within the party.

This Directorate now resonates with members of the John Mahama elections management team, the architects of his presidential primaries’ oversight.

This assembly also orchestrated the seamless coordination of activities on election day and remarkably streamlined the collation and expeditious publication of results from the Assin North Parliamentary by-election in June—a contest that saw James Gyakye Quayson of the NDC triumph over the NPP.

Among the distinctive figures joining the ranks is Dr. George Atta Boateng, formerly at the helm of the National Information Technology Agency (NITA) during Mahama’s tenure.

His pivotal role in instituting the National Data Centre and catalyzing government-to-citizen as well as government-to-business IT applications lends undeniable weight to his appointment as one of the four deputy directors.

Yayra Koku, another deputy director, brings with her a solid IT background from her tenure at the National Identification Authority (NIA)—an expertise curtailed by her dismissal by the NPP upon assuming office. The four deputy directors are rounded out by Mahdi Jibril and Dr. Tanko Computer.

Steering the Research Directorate is the venerable Professor Emeritus Francis Dodoo, renowned as a former Pro-VC of the University of Ghana and an unwavering Mahama loyalist esteemed for his technical acumen and brilliance. Assisting him are Dr. Moses Aheto and Prosper Hoetu.

Amidst this intricate framework, steadfast Mahama loyalists maintain their positions: Alex Segbefia as Director of International Relations, Kakra Essamuah as Director of Communications, and Obuobia Darko-Opoku as his Deputy.

Further appointments encompass a cadre of influential figures, including Professor Joshua Alabi, Mahama’s campaign manager in the 2020 elections and Primaries, lawyer Edudzi Tamaklo, Vincent Kuagbenu, Brogya Genfi, and Dr. Peter Otokunor.

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