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STRATCOM AFRICA to provide communication expertise to SME’s // CEO Esther Cobbah

Stratcom Africa to provide communication expertise to SME’s Madam. Esther Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer of STRATCOM said effective communication is the key to success in every business.

She therefore asked private and public businesses to uphold the practice in their corporate dealings.

Madam. Esther Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer of STRATCOM made this known to Daily Sun online in Accra on the sideline of the Business Sense Exhibition and Ghana’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Press Conference.

She said Ghana’s SME’s sector holds about 70 per cent of the country’s economy and Stratcom is to make them stand out from other enterprises through effective communication.

Madam. Esther Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer of STRATCOM called on SME’s to seek the expertise of communication development experts, research, monitoring and evaluation experts to transform their businesses with their expertise in order to achieve their goals.

Madam. Esther Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer of STRATCOM a visitor at the exhibition told the Daily Sun online that the SME’s in Ghana has a long way to go in terms of management and knowledge acquisition. She said government should encourage and support the SMEs to undertake training to improve on their lot.

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