
Review your fiscal strategy in order to ensure fair burden sharing. Dr. John Kwakye, tells govern’t

Review your fiscal strategy in order to ensure fair burden sharing. Dr. John Kwakye, tells govern't

Review your fiscal strategy in order to ensure fair burden sharing. Dr. John Kwakye, tells govern’t

Economist Dr Patrick Asuming says if the governance of the country’s fiscal space is not given a second look, the debt exchange program will be of no real significance.
This comes as government is restructuring its debt as part of efforts to secure an International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Already it has received major opposition from various group with some threatening legal action to be exempted from the haircut.

Speaking during the public forum on Ghana’s debt exchange program organised by the Economic Governance Platform, Dr Assuming stressed the need for financial discipline to improve the country’s position.

Meanwhile speaking at the same event, Director of Research at the Institute of Economic Affairs, Dr. John Kwakye agrees and beliefs the government most consider savings that can be made by reviewing its fiscal strategy in order to ensure fair burden sharing.

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