
Pass GIPS Bill Into Law Now- Dr Eric Oduro Osae Calls On Gov’t

Pass GIPS Bill Into Law Now- Dr Eric Oduro Osae Calls On Gov't

Pass GIPS Bill Into Law Now- Dr Eric Oduro Osae Calls On Gov’t

Dr Eric Oduro Osae, the Director General of the Internal Audit Agency has called on the government, parliament and all related stakeholders to pass into law the Procurement and Supply Chain Bill.

According to him, the procurement sector is weak therefore the government must be able to pass the bill to support the work of the Ghana Institute of Procurement and supply chain management.

This bill if passed will guarantee and assures as country to have critical mass so far as procurement professionals are concerned to be able to support the institute.

This he said will go a long way in getting development partners to come into this country to implement development projects where procurement specialist is required. Again, Dr. Eric Oduro Osae touched on the 5 PFF areas which include  planning, accounting, reporting, internal and external auditing and procurement whereby the budget in the country is spent through procurement and its contracts,  inasmuch all these areas are regulated.

According to him, “Despite having the Procurement Act, we still see irregularities what it tells us is that there is something fundamentally wrong at the implementation level and the key actors at the implementation level are the professionals so now we are calling for effective professionals regulation of procurement practice in Ghana.

Dr Eric Oduro Osae made the assertion at the induction ceremony of the newly elected executive to stair the affairs of the Ghana Institute of Procurement and Supply in Accra on 25th April 2023.

The Chairman of Ghana Institute of procurement supply, Andy Akoto has mentioned the significant function procurement play toward the growth of the country.

According to him procurement plays a vital role towards the development and growth of the country, and must therefore as a country prioritize it.

Mr. Akoto reiterated and enforce the appeal made by all the procurement bodies to parliamentarians towards the passage of procurement of the GIPS Act. The call for the passage of the act according to him is in the right direction and therefore wish it comes to fruition.

He, therefore calls on GIPS as a challenge for a collaborative national dialogue to ensure that the impact GIPS is supposed to make towards the economy is well needed.

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