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Our Environment at our door Step Officially Launched

Our Environment at our door Step Officially Launched

The Most Important Things Your Kids Should Know About the Environment

Our motivation, at least to some extent, in protecting our environment is our conviction that we need to pass this on to the next generation, our children.

If climate change, biodiversity loss and resource consumption were to get out of hand, what planet would we be giving future generations to live in.

According to Mrs. Naa Asheley Biggart, Lead team member, P.A.A.B institute, Said, the gravity of these issues and the urgency to address them becomes all the more clear when we think about how our children and grandchildren will have to live in 50 or 100 years from now.She said, But there is something else we should be doing right now for our children’s environmental education. Environmentally aware citizens make better-informed decisions and choices about complex issues, such as the environment.

She added that, this is critical to sustainable development which requires well-informed citizens that can make balanced decisions based on economic, social and environmental considerations.

One of the easiest things you can teach children about the environment is how to use basic utilities at home, school or – later in their life – the office.

Mrs. Naa Asheley Biggart, said, Children should learn how to limit using energy to heat their house through energy efficient solutions or seeking to utilise renewables for heating and warming.

According to WG. CDR. PAT N SOGBODJOR, (Rtd.) Said the Simple tips like wearing something warmer rather than cranking up the heating is also easy to teach. Similarly, water should be used with care, as well. In addition to ensuring that water is not waster in the shower or when cooking, children should also know about solutions to re-use wastewater.

He said, the Children should also learn about the impacts of waste and how to mitigate those through recycling and composting.

The story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun

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