General News

‘Let us inspire our children to pursue TVET programmes’,//Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy minister for education

‘Let us inspire our children to pursue TVET programmes’,//Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy minister for education in charge of TVET.

Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy minister for education in charge of TVET has advised parents to inspire their children to pursue Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses to help address the challenge of graduate unemployment in the country.

According to Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy minister for education in charge of TVET said, students who pursued courses in TVET, fetched themselves direct jobs after school, saying the youth could explore their talents through that to build on their lives.

Theme for the program is: Industrialization in Ghana.

“TVET Education also enlightens your knowledge to enable you to develop whatever talent you have,” she added.

Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy minister for education in charge of TVET gave the advice when he interacted with the ATTC students of a Technical University, as part of his working visits in the Campus in Accra.

The visits afforded her and the opportunity to engage the people, identify and help address their immediate needs and deepened the decentralisation concept.

She said, citizens’ participation towards strengthening the decentralisation concept and bringing governance to the doorstep of the populace could not be over-emphasised.

She appealed to the to Gov’t facilitate Assembly for the establishment of a TVET processing factory in the community to add value to the Technology product

She said, farmers cultivated TVET in commercial quantities, saying the people produced and supplied about 90 per cent of TVET in the Municipalities,

Communities and the different areas also called for the establishment of a technical institute in the areas, hoping that it would help to provide employable skills training to the youth.

Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy minister for education in charge of  TVET further appealed to the ATTC to extend their better work to the global and also provide the local basic schools with computers to advance the teaching and learning of ICT.

Story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun.

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