
Bekwai youth engages in health walk And Screening

Bekwai youth engages in health walk And Screening

Bekwai youth engages in health walk And Screening

Participants and organisers in a group photograph after the exercise As part of efforts to promote health and wellness through exercising, Bekei youth engaged public servant personnel in a health walk on Saturday.

According to the Rauf He said the Republic’ and members of the Sports Writers, public servant will engage in the arduous climb through the hills in a fun and exciting environment.

He added that theme: for the program is Rallying for victory 2024 the role of the youth, the initiative was also part of efforts to socialise and interact with citizens of the Bekwai youth every quarter of the year.

There will be a special tug-of-war competition between the Bekwai youth and their colleagues in Business and communications

Special Guest of Honour for the event, will deliver the special speech and urge the public to make exercising a priority in order to achieve life’s goals and ambitions.

“Aside all important things in life, one’s health is paramount as keeping a healthy lifestyle is the only way to achieve other objectives in life,” he stated.

Story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun106.com

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