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ActionAid Ghana CMS project helps 398 females escape modern slavery.

ActionAid Ghana CMS project helps 398 females escape modern slavery.

ActionAid Ghana CMS project helps 398 females escape modern slavery.

Mr. John Nkaw, country Director, ActionAid Ghana, a non government organisation has revealed that the NGO’s combatting modern slavery project ( CMSP ) has helped 398 females escape modern slavery.

He said the lack of economic opportunity coupled with pervasive poverty in some regions of Ghana often made women and other vulnerable groups more vulnerable to modern slavery.

He said,, The CMSP has brought relief to women and children over the past three years through many interventions like livelihood skill training and start up support, the training of community based anti -human trafficking combats , the rescuing and reuniting of survivors, and the call for the UN legally binding instrument on business and human rights.”

Outlining the gains of the CMS project, the country Director said, some 398 females livelihood skills that had made them independent, resourceful and reduced their vulnerability and their children to modern slavery.

The beneficiaries, he said were also given start up equipment worth about Ghc. 1,994, 306.63 in the Bono northern region, upper west, and , Oti region.

According to the walkfree Global slavery index report ( 2023 ), ghana’s prevalence of modern slavery is 2.9 per 1000 people

Through the CMS project, Mr. Nkaw said ActionAid Ghana had been able to reduce the vulnerable of 398 females household heads Through livelihood empowerment programms, including the provision of start up capital.

The country Director made the revelation at an event to validate the CMS project Endline study report in Accra.

Funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation ( Norad ) with a tune of USD 1,293,229.69, ActionAid Ghana embarked on a three year project dubbed combatting modern slavery in Ethiopian and ghana”.

The project aimed at decreasing the scale and prevalence of modern slavery in the agricultural, industrial, and service sectors while raising awareness of modern slavery with a focus on child labour, human.

in Ghana, the project covered a total of 100 communities, with various activities working closely in four administrative regions and 12 districts.

Working with the media was key sustainability practice to eradicating modern slavery, he assured, and that given that the CMS also fitted into the new country strategy paper, AAG was relentlessly working through existing interventions to ensure that modern slavery became a thing of the past in Ghana.

Mrs. Bashiratu kamal, a representative from the General agriculture workers union ( GAWU ), said modern slavery, especially child labour, was prevalent in fishing and faming communities.

However, she said, the familiarisation between victims and perpetuators affected their arrests and the rescue of victims.

Mrs. Kamal noted that victims. Often had some tribal, family, or religious affinity with perpetuators and thus did not cooperate with the security agencies.

She therefore called for a review and amendment of relevant portions of Ghanaian laws on human trafficking.


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