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20th edition Ghana Club 100 launched

20th edition Ghana Club 100 launched

20th edition Ghana Club 100 launched

Mr Yofi Grant (second from left), with other dignitaries at the launch. Photo. Godwin Ofosu-Acheampong
Mr Yofi Grant (second from left), with other dignitaries at the launch. Photo. Godwin Ofosu-Acheampong

The 20th edition of the Gha­na Club 100 awards ceremo­ny was launched in Accra on Tuesday.

The prestigious awards ceremony which has been ongoing for two decades has celebrated and hon­oured outstanding achievements of businesses across various sectors in the country.

Speaking at the event, the Chief Executive of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Yoofi Grant, said the centre was com­mitted to ensuring that corporate Ghana received the recognition it deserves for contributing to the so­cioeconomic growth of the country.

“The fact that we celebrate the top 100 companies with the criteria we have is noteworthy and we shall continue to ensure that corporate Ghana is acknowledged in the eyes of the public and all those who recognise it,” he said.

Mr Grant said the GIPC was committed to creating a viable environment through the Ghana mutual prosperity dialogue that would ensure that the right support was given to corporate Ghana and the private sector.

He stressed the need for the GIPC to increase its advocacy for the government to protect both local and foreign investments in the country because for businesses to thrive, there must be able stable macro environment and a predict­able fiscal regime.

The Vice President, of Strategy and Partnerships of MIE Groups Limited, Mr Zahoor Ahmed said partnering with the GIPC at the start of the Ghana and Investment Trade week was to focus the stra­tegic investment opportunities that Ghana presents and bring high-level government delegations from across the world to Ghana.

“The week celebration will bring entities from 10 countries to Ghana to explore new partnerships coupled with industrial and cultural tours to support the government and forge a sustainable alliance,” he explained.

The launch also saw the MIE Groups Limited signed a Memoran­dum of Understanding (MoU) with the GIPC to start the Ghana and Investment Trade week to foster strategic partnerships and promote investment opportunities to show­case Ghana’s potential for trade and investment.

Story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun

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