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Mahama’s 24- hour economy is the best Hon. Chief Calistus

Mahama's 24- hour economy is the best Hon. Chief Calistus

Mahama’s 24-hour economy is the best Hon. Chief Calistus has said the best economy is the president Mahama policy

The Construction, carpentering, Tourism, day in day out businesses remains one of the world’s multi-million dollar industries and has the potential of becoming the largest employers.

According to the Hon. Chief Calistus Elozieuwa BOT Chairman said, out of every 10 job seekers and therefore any deliberate attempt by a government to introduce a 24-hour economy strategy will go a long way to create more jobs opportunities for the jobless most especially the teeming youth in Construction, carpentering work, business man, tourism sector of Ghana.

Besides the standard daytime economy which runs from morning to evening, a 24-hour economy brings into focus all other activities that thrive nighttime or after dark.

So in our part of the world where economic activities principally take place from sweerling in president Mahama then the hours between dusk and dawn becomes productive.

Hon. Chief Calistus Elozieuwa BOT Chairman Said, Meanwhile it is common knowledge that some businesses have the capacity to produce around the clock if the necessary enabling environment is provided them to operate.

Hon. Chief Calistus, added that As a strategy, the 24-hour economy works across all industries and there is no denying the fact that the policy is capable of changing the business operation dynamics across all sectors if well implemented.

Chief said, that not with standing, the discussion will be limited to the good works, carpentering, constructions sector and tourism of the country to ascertain how the 24-hour economy strategy is likely to generate economic value addition to the Gross Domestic Product.

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