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Kyiri Abosom, has officially introduced his running mate.

Kyiri Abosom, has officially introduced his running mate.

Kyiri Abosom, has officially introduced his running mate.

Election 2024: GUM unveils running Mate for 2024 General Election.The Founder and Leader of the Life Assembly Worship Center and the Ghana Union Movement (GUM), Rev. Christian Kwabena Andrews, popularly known as Osofo Kyiri Abosom, has officially introduced his running mate, Madam Evelyn Serwaa Bonsu, for the 2024 general elections.

Explaining his decision to choose a female running mate, Rev. Andrews emphasized his commitment to promoting women’s participation in politics while demonstrating that he has the interest of Ghanaian women at heart.

“Over the years, we’ve mostly seen men as running mates and Vice Presidents. From my observation, it’s clear that they haven’t offered much to benefit the people of this country. But today, I’m presenting someone who will not only support me but will also help us win this election,” he said.

Rev. Andrews described Madam Bonsu as humble, passionate, loving, and truthful, standing out from the typical politician. “She’s also beautiful and fully ready to help carry forward the vision that Kwame Nkrumah had for this country,” he added.

He believes Madam Bonsu is the ideal partner to help him realize his plans for Ghana. “I need the support of the youth, women, and traditional leaders. This woman has strong relationships with all these groups. I urge everyone to warmly welcome her and trust her to help GUM secure victory in this election,” he noted.

Upon accepting the role, Madam Evelyn Serwaa Bonsu expressed her gratitude to Rev. Andrews for entrusting her with the responsibility and pledged to work tirelessly to ensure their victory.

“I fully accept the responsibility to serve our party, our country, and the people of Ghana. I am deeply grateful to our founder and leader, Rev. Christian Kwabena Andrews, our party leaders, delegates, and supporters. I promise to give my utmost support to our presidential candidate as we work towards winning the 2024 election and serving our nation with integrity, wisdom, and passion.”

“As a woman, I am aware of the challenges women face in politics, but I also see the strength and resilience within us. I vow to be a voice for the voiceless, empower women, and advocate for justice and integrity,” she stated.

Madam Bonsu stressed that, with collective effort, GUM can build a better future for the nation, ensuring access to quality healthcare services, education, and employment opportunities.

“To our party members, I thank you for your dedication and support. Let’s continue working together to build a better Ghana. Fellow Ghanaians, I stand here with a message of hope and a promise of change. The economic hardship we face as a nation is overwhelming, and it’s time to take bold action.”

“If we win, we will prioritize the interests of Ghanaians, investing in healthcare, infrastructure, and education. We will also tackle corruption and ensure accountability from our government appointees, making sure our resources benefit all citizens, not just a few,” she declared.

She urged Ghanaians to trust and support GUM’s mission to steer the nation out of its current economic challenges.

“Let’s rise together and build a Ghana that works for everyone. Long live Ghana, and long live the Ghana Union Movement”.

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