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Hon. Nii Noi Nortey Items & Cash to support CMB fire outbreak Victims.

Hon. Nii Noi Nortey Items & Cash to support CMB fire outbreak Victims.

Hon. Nii Noi Nortey Items & Cash to support CMB fire outbreak Victims

The number of victims which is about 800 Despite the allegations from the victims not in supportive from the Nadmo to relocate them, NPP Parliamentary Aspirant has supported them with items and cash totally cost over Ghc1bn

Hon. Nii Noi Nortey presenting the cash & goods to the victims of CMB fire outbreak, More than 45 traders at CMB in Accra who lost their goods to a recent fire outbreak have each been given a cash support and items to en­able them to restart their business.

Hon. Nii Noi Nortey who made the presentation on Wednes­day said, in all, has been released items and money to support the businesses of the victims.

“I think it is about time that the health and safety department in all assemblies, market queens and the various traders would have to work together with the city authorities to understand why and what caused the fires.

“Once we understand this, then we have solutions to the problems both medium and permanent,” Hon. Nii Noi Nortey added.

Additionally, he said, it was imperative for the assemblies to educate the traders and fire safety techniques.

“We must immediately begin to sensitise our traders on fire safety. We must teach them what they have to do when your shop catches fire, what to do when you close before leaving and how to use gas at their shops,” homes, he stated.

In the meantime, he asked the assembly to work with the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) to procure fire extinguishers for the shops, houses to enable the traders to quench any fire outbreak before the firefighting personnel arrive.

Hon. Nii Noi Nortey said there they should be a plans to modernise most of the market in Accra saying that “we have to go through processes to make sure it conform with the scheme of plan around and ensure that after completion, the traders here prioritised.”

He noted that the plan to devel­op ultra modern markets was to accommodate more traders and create space for all traders who sell along the street and on pedestrian walkway, so they could move into the market.

The story by Fada Amakye from Top fm/ Tv & Daily

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